Title: TheDamselCollector - Helloooo Nurse! II - Full Version [Print this page] Author: MCommandar Time: 2021-1-24 14:44 Title: TheDamselCollector - Helloooo Nurse! II - Full Version
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JANIRA WOLFE has been a bad, NAUGHTY NURSE! She's been caught putting her patient's live at risk with her careless, reckless behavior. To teach her a lesson, the hospital has hired the Damsel Collector to teach her a lesson! Faking a house call, he lures this SEXY NURSE his lair where he'll soon ENTRAP HER, TIE HER UP, SMELL HER FEET, and PUNISH HER with an intense NIGHT OF TICKLING that she will NEVER EVER FORGET! A sequel to one of our most beloved, popular titles "HELLOOOO NURSE!!"