Title: Octopus - 18 Years Old Cami - Feet in the Stocks - First Time [Print this page] Author: MCommandar Time: 2021-1-29 19:01 Title: Octopus - 18 Years Old Cami - Feet in the Stocks - First Time
Octopus - 18 Years Old Cami - Feet in the Stocks - First Time.mp4.jpg(277.38 KB, Downloads: 1285)
Eighteen-year-old Cami is ready for her very first Foot session in the New Stocks. Cami is one of those girls who tries to hold back the laughter, you will see her getting upset and writhing so as not to let herself go, unfortunately for her Octopus techniques will make the little Cami cede to any attempt of resistance: sock tickling, electric feather, fingers, lotion, massagers, hairbrush! A session that will leave little sweaty and exhausted Cami!